Reggie Akingbade
Reggie Akingbade decided to fulfil his childhood goal of playing Polo, and first learned how to ride a horse in January 2022. Today he plays at Rugby Polo Club & Westcroft Polo Club, and has played in 8 tournaments since then. He’s looking forward to playing at Lux Afrique Polo again, after being a winner at the tournament last year and wants to help represent the cause of inspiring people from minority backgrounds in the UK to play Polo, just like he did!

Luc Trafford
Luc ‘Loco’ Trafford has been playing polo for 8 years and has been fortunate enough to play across the globe in countries like Argentina, Spain and the U.K. He’s played for a variety of teams such as Serefina, Bandidos and Oxford University but counts Luxe Afrique as his favourite in the calendar. He’s back this year keen to retain his title of Top Goalscorer.

Tarek El-Ahmar
Tarek started playing polo at university, which later become a fervent passion for him and allowed him to progress to gain a 2-goal grass handicap and 4-goal arena handicap. Training young horses introduced a new dimension to the sport for someone without a traditional riding background and allowed him to build a spring of horses to play the game competitively and improve.